Are Grains Bad For Dogs?

“If I can eat grains, why can’t my dog eat them too?”

That is the question that many dog owners grapple with when trying to figure out the best diet plans for their beloved four-legged besties. The simplest answer is that our digestions differ. While grains do have some benefits, including dietary fiber and a bunch of micronutrients, they have been associated with very many diet-related health issues in dogs.

To put it simply, grains are actually bad for dogs. They may have their benefits but the risks and consequences far outweigh them. You should therefore consider phasing them out of the dog’s diet with grain-free dog treats and meals that have way more to offer, as you will see in the sections below.

But first, let us take a look at five reasons why feeding your dog grain-based foods and snacks may not be a very wise idea.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Feed Your Dog Grains

Gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance is by far the biggest problem associated with grain-based dog food and treats It can be found in ingredients like wheat and barley which feature prominently as filler ingredients in a lot of dog food brands.

Gluten intolerance wreaks havoc in the dog’s digestive system. It could cause either diarrhea or constipation with other symptoms like abdominal discomfort, indigestion, and vomiting just to name a few. Though gluten is bad for dogs, quantity definitely plays a role in when and how symptoms manifest.

This intolerance also has external signs including poor coat health, itchiness, and rashes all over the skin. Grain-free dog treats and food can help you wean your dog off of the grain-rich diet and onto something more digestible.

Increased risk of obesity

Obesity is a major problem with dogs these days, especially in apartment and city settings that force most of our canine companions to have a dormant, indoor life. Diet also plays a major role, especially with dog breeds that have a low metabolic rate or a very high appetite.

Grain-based diets in these cases are your biggest enemy if you are trying to control your dog’s weight or have them lose some for their own health. These meals and treats are often very rich in calories.  Without adequate exercise, your dog will be putting on more weight than they can burn, resulting in obesity and its many consequences, such as trouble breathing and moving.

Often in wrong proportions

Another problem with grains in dog food is the fact that most dog food brands do not put the right quantities of grains. This is because they are used as fillers rather than actual dietary components. This leaves a lot of dog food and treats with more grain than is necessary or even healthy for the dog to be consuming.

As a result, they end up missing out on important nutrients from other dietary components, especially animal proteins and micronutrients from fruit and vegetable ingredients. If you want your dog to have the best proportions, consider moving to grain-free dog treats and food options like proper carnivorous diets

Highly processed

This is another major problem with feeding grains to your fur baby. Most, if not all, of the brands that feature grain ingredients often use highly processed grains, whether they be rice, oats, or even wheat. This poor quality diet affects the dog’s health in many ways.

One of the biggest problems, as we have already discussed, is that these calories contribute to the dog being overweight. My Dog Reviews mentions that dogs are biologically designed to eat meat and fats.  The highly processed grains also often lack very important nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, fiber. This essentially makes the grains nothing more than empty, fattening ingredients for the dog to consume at their own peril.

Associated with most bad breath issues

Doggy bad breath is definitely not fun to live with as a dog owner. It is often due to dental issues like cavities, plaque accumulation, or gum disease. However, it could also be due to the diet and gut health in general, in which case grain-heavy dog food and treats are most commonly the cause.

In cases of grain intolerance, it is the associated indigestion and poor gut health that cause the bad breath for the dog. It could also be from grain particles stuck on or between teeth, as is the case with fresh food options that include grain ingredients. Whatever the case, you will definitely notice positive changes by switching to grain-free dog treats and food, even for a little while.

Going the grain-free diet route

At this point, there is no denying the fact that grains have a lot of negatives associated and are therefore best left out of any dog’s diet. However, they can’t be entirely avoided either, so you should have full awareness of dietary options for your dog.

The best compromise in this case is to find healthier and dog-friendly alternatives. Fruits and vegetables are the best in this case. They are rich in both solid and soluble fibers which help promote gut health and digestion in general. They are also among the best sources of micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

By including these in your dog’s diet, you both get to avoid all the negative effects of a grain-based diet without missing out on some of the important health benefits.

For this, find a dog food brand that is not only grain-free but also offers these benefits. Take your time trying out different options. Document the progress as you transition to ensure you’re always moving forward and that things are going smoothly.

Solving the Question "Are Grains Bad For Dogs" Once and for All!

It’s clear that grain-free dog treats and meals are the way to go. They have so many benefits to offer, from weight management to a healthy gut, fresh breath and overall improved well-being.

Therefore, it is time that you consider the switch to diets that focus on the most important macronutrient for dogs—proteins. Veggies and fruits also come in very handy as a healthier substitute by offering minerals, vitamins, and fiber that the grains would have provided.

Check out Good Doggy Treats for tasty, grain-free dog treats. They’re such a good choice that you can easily call them a no-grainer.

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